Still Life with Champagne
Anyway, this photo reminds me of one of those 18th century (?) Spanish still lifes. Or something I've seen before, in a dark corner of a museum where even the guards don't bother going.
(By the way, is the plural of still life still lifes or still lives? Either way sounds wrong, but I prefer lifes. You would think I would know this by now, jeez! But what I don't know about art could fill several blogs...)
I agree with you, 'still lifes' does sound better, and it's gramatically correct. I'm glad I could put my newly-purchased grammar books to use.
They are kept in the quietest place in the apartment, in the "toilettes", as they say in Paris. Now why it's plural, no French person can explain, though in Belgium it's "toilette"...just one. Seems like that's all one needs to do ones business.
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